Cambio de Reglas

Change in Rulebook for 0 ATK vs 0 ATK monsters

Hello Judges,
I’m sending you this email to alert you to an important change in the latest version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Official Rulebook, which is included with the Structure Deck: Dragunity Legion.
The current version is listed as Version 7.2, you can find the version number on the lower right corner of the Rulebook cover.
On page 43 in the “Other Rules” section, the following clarification has been made:
· “ 0 ATK monsters

Monsters with 0 ATK cannot destroy anything by battle. If two Attack Position monsters with 0 ATK battle each other, neither monster is destroyed.”
This may result in some confusion for your players, so please do your part to pass this information along. Not many people carefully read through the Rulebook, so many judges and players are likely to be unaware of the change.

Thank you again for participating in the KDE Judge Program, we appreciate your support!

Julia Hedberg
Judge Manager, Card Business
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

en Resumen ahora si dos montruos con ATK 0 Batallan ninguno de los 2 se destruye.
esta regla esta disponible en el nuevo RuleBook que viene en el Structure Deck Dragunity Legion.
